asd consultants

Privacy Policy

We collect the following types of information about you:

If you receive our newsletters as a subscriber we will keep your email address.

Customers contact details.


Email addresses

We do not share your email address with any third party and do not use it for anything else apart from sending you newsletters. You can remove your address from our list at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link shown on the emails you receive. Once you unsubscribe we will no longer keep your email addresses.

Customers contact details

If you purchase from us, we will keep your information purely as a customer contact, we do not share your information with any third party and do not use it for anything else apart from communicating the business relationship between us. You can ask to see what information we hold about you, and you can request we delete it at anytime by contacting us at

Data Records

All our data is encrypted and stored electronically, it is backed up to an encrypted drive, and also to an encrypted cloud storage system. 1 paper copy of purchases and invoices are stored for accounting purposes only.


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